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I find that at times the emotional state of human beings can be quite so complex that we ourselves are puzzeled over how we experiance our emotions. At the end of it all, we can know almost everything there is to know about our physical selves but never come to terms with how we truly feel inside. And often, and far too often in fact, we as people are too ashamed and scared to admit to our same species and at times even to ourselves what we do feel. I find it perplexing for example why someone cannot admit to jealousy. It is after all only a human emotion and when it does strike someone, it is only a natural reaction, as is surprise and happiness is to other events. Jealousy may prove that you care or love enough to feel that strongly about a person or passion. Greed I believe is different though. It is a selfish emotion that claims possesssion and want for things that probably do not matter, and why want more with the thought that there are those for mere want of survival in the world?
Yes, the species we are are tormentingly contradicting and almost altogether uncanny in our behaviour. In just a look of vibe, we are able to come to full understanding of a situation and in that same instant we can chose to make or break it. How we can dismiss the feelings of others and ignore them, pretending to not understand and claiming to not have known. How complex and painful being what we are can become, when none, not even yourself can overcome the turmoil that is yours and others' inner beings.
The fact that people have developed the narrow state of mind that they can judge a person according to what their outside appearence says, the way they dress, the way they talk, and even the attitudes. No one ever bothers to consider what that person has been through or ever try to understand others. They never want the time to find the unusaul and often wonderful inner person that they may learn to love despite what they give off. But I suppose that is the nature of people and perhaps I am wrong, and my perception of life is just corrupted. You can decide for yourdelf. Afterall, you are your own person.
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It is not perhaps, the easiest thing in the world to put ones dreams into action But just the other day, I kick-started one of mine and put it to flight!
One cannot simply expect your dream to appear to you like magic, for one must strive and long to have it, and with hard work, effort and extra time and energy and determination never to give in, no matter what comes your way, you will achieve it.
Dream #1: Accomplished
Skydive (",)