
My journey through life so far has been one strange ride. Life in itself is like riding a wild horse, it tests you by jerking tentatively at the reins, it sometimes gives you a kick, at any time it can rear and throw you off, an unexpected buck can unnerve you but I suppose that's the nature of it. Its like an out ride on a horse that you sometimes cannot control, and one false move and send it bolting off into a direction you hadn't intended.

But life isn't always that bad. The ride can be fun too, if you'd laugh off the little jumps in the road, forgive the little mood swings of your steed and just generally learn how to ride.

In my teenage life in particular, I have often felt like I myself am the horse. Like I'm the one that's bridled, having the cold, hard bit torn back in my tender mouth every time I try to get somewhere. like I'm having spurs dug into my sides cruelly, someone constantly on my back trying to control my every move when really I'm just rearing to go. Burning with the passion of youth I paw the ground in my frustration.

But I guess that's how life is. I should be thankful. I know of those that have it much worse than I.
